Voice Changes And Hoarseness

Hoarseness is a word that describes a change in the voice. This change will differ from person to person. Usually the voice takes on a rough, raspy quality, although it can also show signs of weakness or a changed in volume. It may also have become higher or lower pitched or become more strained. Words […]

Acid Reflux And A Sore Throat

Acid reflux is a common condition that occurs when the acid in the stomach travels back up to the oesophagus (food pipe) and irritates its lining. If it reaches the throat, this can cause a dry cough, sore throat, bitter tastes, heartburn and indigestion. You may notice acid reflux after a big meal, while laying […]

Tonsillectomy For A Child – All You Need To Know

What Is A Tonsillectomy? A Tonsillectomy is an operation in which the tonsils are taken out. If a child is having frequent cases of Tonsillitis (this is when the tonsils become infected) then they may require a Tonsillectomy to rectify it. Having this operation will stop your child from suffering from Tonsillitis and the pain, […]

Are You A Teacher? You Are At Higher Risk Of Vocal Problems

It may come as no surprise to hear this if teaching is your chosen profession, but studies have shown that teachers are at a higher risk of vocal damage. A teacher’s voice is their main tool in interacting with students, and is often used for prolonged periods of time, usually in noisy environments. A study […]

All You Need To Know About Glossitis

Glossitis is an inflammation of the tongue, causing swelling and changes in the tongue’s texture and colour. Types Of Glossitis: Acute glossitis – Develops fast with severe symptoms. Chronic glossitis – Usually caused by an underlying condition. Atrophic glossitis – The small bumps on the tongue, called papillae, shrink. This causes the tongue’s surface to […]

Hyperosmia – What is it and what causes it?

Hyperosmia is a condition in which the person has a heightened sense of smell, usually caused by another condition but in some cases, it can occur on its own. Here we look at the symptoms, causes and treatment of hyperosmia. Symptoms A heightened sense of smell A dislike for strong and overwhelming smells, sometimes becoming […]

How Do We Treat Drooling?

Drooling can be embarrassing for children and adults when it occurs, as it is something usually associated with babies. Therefore, most people will avoid talking about it, even if it is becoming a problem. But what are the causes? Drooling is something everyone does occasionally, particularly when sleeping when swallowing doesn’t occur as frequently. Therea […]

Sinus Headache? Here’s What To Do

Sinus Headaches – The Facts Sinus Headaches are very common and usually follow an infection or allergy. We have four pairs of sinuses which are situated above the eyes, in between the eyes at the bridge of the nose, and over the cheeks. A sinus headache can be felt along any of these areas and […]

Bleeding When Blowing Your Nose – Causes, treatment and prevention

A nosebleed (Epistaxis) is usually caused by a broken blood vessel in the nose or sinuses. Nasal bleeding, particularly when blowing it, is very common and usually not a cause for worry. As many as 60% of people experience nosebleeds but only around 6% need medical attention. It can be difficult to know what causes […]

Could A Nasal Swab Diagnose Lung Cancer?

New research may have found a way of screening low risk patients for lung cancer, a way that is less costly and less invasive. This procedure is said to be able detect if lung lesions are malignant. Lung lesions (also known as solitary pulmonary nodules) are little growths that are detected on the lungs, usually […]