Medical Insurance

If you have medical insurance, Paul Chatrath is recognised by all of the major insurance companies including BUPA, AXA-PPP, Aviva, Simply Health, WPA, Cigna, Zurich as well as a large number of smaller providers. Even if you are with a particular provider with which we have not previously dealt, it is usually a straightforward and speedy process to obtain recognition within a time frame which should not delay investigations and/or treatments you may require. You are advised to contact your insurance company in order to obtain an authorisation number which you will need before you make an appointment.

Self Paid

If you are a self pay patient and will be funding your treatment yourself, you will be charged a consultation fee as a new or follow up patient. You will also be charged if any additional procedures that are deemed necessary are undertaken during the consultation. Please note that part of this charge is for professional services which will be billed by the consultant together with the consultation charge. The remaining part of the procedural fee is for the use of the equipment for which the hospital may invoice you separately.

If, following the consultation, further tests or investigations are recommended, these will be explained to you in detail. The majority of these are organised directly with the hospital and will be invoiced separately.


If you require surgery, you will be provided with a comprehensive quote which will include all costs relating to the surgery (including hospital, surgeons and anaesthetists’ fees), postoperative care and usually the first postoperative consultation with your surgeon. Some hospitals also provide a guarantee whereby if a complication occurs within a set time frame after the operation (usually 3 months), the treatment and management of this will be covered free of charge.



For further advice about fees or charging structures, please contact us.