Chronic Sinus Issues Could Be Down To A Tooth Infection

If you have been suffering from chronic sinus infections, you will no doubt be wanting to find answers and solutions. But did you know that an infected tooth could cause frequent reoccurring sinus issues? Maxillary sinusitis of odontogenic origin is when an infection in the root of your tooth spreads to your sinuses. Your upper […]

Misuse of antibiotics

Overuse of antibiotics is one of the many battles medicine is facing today. While they do an excellent job in one respect, the overuse of antibiotics can have a devastating effect on the human body and the human race. Preventing the spread of infections has been one of their key factors, however, antibiotics being used […]

Turmeric can provide relief for sinus infection

It has been widely publicised that sufferers from sinus infections or sinusitis can alleviate symptoms by taking a natural spice called Turmeric. Known for its anti-inflammatory, antibacterial and antibiotic qualities, turmeric can be used in the fight to treat sinus infection. Natural cures have been used by people from all over the world for many […]

Healthcare Innovations

Professor Chatrath was recently featured in the Healthcare Innovations section of The Guardian on Saturday newspaper on 28th March 2020. His article focussed on minimally invasive an innovative surgical approaches, including functional and cosmetic nasal surgery, minimally invasive otoplasty techniques, and non-surgical rhinoplasty and facelift techniques. Click here to see the article

Nasal Fractures

Please read the following for advice on caring for a fractured nose at home. We are here to answer any questions or concerns you may have regarding a fractured nose. Injuries to the nose Fractures to the nose are common, making up over 50% of all fractures to the face. Most are either related to […]

What Is Obstructive Sleep Apnoea?

Obstructive Sleep Apnoea, or OSA, is a condition in which there is an obstruction of the airways. This can be caused by a number of different things, for example a weakening or relaxation of  the muscles in the throat during sleep. This narrows the airways, reducing airflow and making it harder to breathe. This can […]

Chronic Ear Infections – Causes, Symptoms, Treatment And Prevention

What are chronic ear infections? Chronic ear infections are recurring ear infections that can be caused by several things. If an ear infection does not heal by itself or keeps returning, it will be classed as a chronic ear infection. This condition can escalate to cause hearing loss, a ruptured eardrum or in extreme cases, […]

Speech and Language Delay

Speech and language delay is a reasonably common problem in preschool children, with as many as 10% being affected. Some of the possible causes are thought to be: • Slower than normal development • Loss of hearing • Autism • Not spending enough time talking with adults • Elective muteness – choosing not to talk […]

Sinus Infection Toothache – Does It Exist?

It’s that time of year again when the coughs and colds are everywhere and can wreak havoc with your sinuses. Sinus infections and inflammation can cause a number of unpleasant symptoms – headaches, fever and tiredness, to name just a few. But are you aware that toothache can be one of those unpleasant symptoms? We […]

Tonsil Stones – All You Need To Know

What Are They? Tonsil Stones, also known as tonsilloliths, are lumps that form within the tonsils. These can be either white or yellow and are usually firm. Though very unpleasant for the sufferer, tonsil stones are not contagious and rarely go on to be anything serious. Quite often, a person with tonsil stones will not […]