Preventing Otitis Externa and Eczema

Tips for Keeping Your Ears Healthy

In the realm of ear health, otitis externa and eczema represent two common conditions that can cause discomfort and, in some cases, more serious complications. As an Ear, Nose, and Throat (ENT) specialist, I have seen firsthand the impact these conditions can have on my patients’ quality of life. However, with the right preventative measures, it is possible to significantly reduce the risk of developing these ear issues. Here, we explore practical tips for maintaining ear health and preventing otitis externa and eczema.

Understanding Otitis Externa and Eczema

Otitis externa, often referred to as “swimmer’s ear,” is an inflammation of the outer ear canal. It’s typically caused by bacterial or fungal infections, which can arise from water remaining in the ear after swimming, leading to a moist environment that fosters microbial growth. Eczema of the ear, on the other hand, is a skin condition that can affect the outer ear, causing itching, redness, and flaking skin.

Keeping Your Ears Dry

One of the simplest yet most effective ways to prevent otitis externa is to keep your ears dry. After swimming or bathing, tilt your head to each side and gently pull on the earlobes to help water drain out. You can also use a towel to carefully dry the outer part of your ears. For those prone to ear infections, consider using over-the-counter ear drops that help to evaporate excess moisture.

Avoiding Cotton Buds

Although it may seem counterintuitive, using cotton buds (or Q-tips) to clean your ears can actually do more harm than good. Inserting anything into your ear canal can push earwax deeper, leading to impaction and potentially damaging the delicate skin of the ear canal, thereby increasing the risk of infection and eczema. Instead, clean only the outer ear with a damp cloth and let your ear’s natural cleaning mechanism do its work.

Managing Ear Hygiene

For individuals with eczema, managing skin health around the ears is crucial. Use hypoallergenic products and avoid any known allergens that may trigger eczema flare-ups. If you wear hearing aids or earphones regularly, ensure they are cleaned regularly to prevent the buildup of moisture and bacteria.

Ear plugs

For patients who have more severe or recurrent issues, you might need to consider wearing ear plugs. The better they fit, the better they will keep water out. No particular variety of ear plug is better than another, it is a case of trial and error. One other useful technique is to use a piece of cotton wool mixed with some vaseline, which makes the cotton wool waterproof, and can be thrown away afterwards, thereby ensuring a clean piece can be used each time. This is clearly not as practical in the swimming pool as it is at home in the shower or bath!

Seeking Medical Advice

If you suspect you have otitis externa or ear eczema, it’s important to seek professional medical advice. An London ENT specialist can provide a tailored treatment plan, which may include prescription ear drops for infections or topical treatments for eczema. Early intervention can prevent the condition from worsening and promote faster healing.


Preventing otitis externa and eczema involves a combination of keeping your ears dry, avoiding the use of cotton buds, managing ear hygiene, and seeking professional advice when necessary. By adopting these preventative measures, you can maintain healthy ears and avoid the discomfort associated with these conditions. Remember, your ears are delicate structures that require proper care and attention to stay healthy.

Eczema and Ear Health

Eczema, a common skin condition, can have a significant impact on various parts of the body, including the ears. At London ENT, we often encounter patients who are unaware of the connection between eczema and ear health. This blog aims to shed light on this often-overlooked issue, offering insights into prevention, management, and when to seek help from an ENT specialist.


Understanding Eczema and Its Effect on the Ears

Eczema, also known as atopic dermatitis, is characterized by dry, itchy, and inflamed skin. When it affects the ears, it can lead to discomfort, itching, and even infection. The skin in the ear canal is delicate and susceptible to irritation, making it important to manage eczema effectively to maintain overall ear health.


Managing Eczema in the Ears: Do’s and Don’ts

Effective management of ear eczema involves a combination of good skincare practices and avoiding potential irritants. It’s crucial to keep the ears clean and dry, as moisture can exacerbate eczema. Gentle cleaning without the use of harsh chemicals or cotton buds is recommended. Overuse of earphones or hearing aids can also irritate the skin, so it’s important to limit their use and keep them clean.


When to Seek Help from London ENT

If you’re experiencing persistent itching, redness, or discomfort in the ears, it may be time to consult an ENT specialist. At London ENT, our experts can provide tailored advice and treatment options to manage eczema effectively. In some cases, topical treatments or changes in skincare routines can make a significant difference.


Preventive Measures for Ear Eczema

Preventing eczema flare-ups in the ears involves maintaining a balance between keeping the ears clean and not over-irritating the skin. Using hypoallergenic products and avoiding known allergens can help. It’s also essential to manage overall eczema effectively, as controlling the condition on a broader scale can reduce the likelihood of it affecting the ears.



Eczema in the ears is a condition that requires careful management to prevent discomfort and potential infections. By understanding the connection between eczema and ear health, and seeking guidance from specialists like those at London ENT, individuals can effectively manage this condition and maintain healthy ears.

For more information, please contact London ENT on 0203 865 7225

Can Dietary Modifications Help Acid Reflux? 

Acid reflux, also known as gastroesophageal reflux disease (GERD), is a common digestive disorder affecting millions of people worldwide. Characterised by a burning sensation in the chest, regurgitation of food, and sometimes difficulty swallowing, acid reflux can severely hamper one’s quality of life. Whilst medication and surgery are commonly required for severe cases, dietary changes are frequently recommended as a first line of treatment. This article aims to explore the extent to which dietary modifications can alleviate symptoms and manage acid reflux effectively.

The Science Behind Acid Reflux

To understand how dietary changes can help, one must first comprehend what triggers acid reflux. The condition occurs when stomach acid flows back into the oesophagus, due to the weakening or inappropriate relaxation of the lower oesophageal sphincter (LES). The LES serves as a one-way valve, allowing food into the stomach while preventing the reflux of acidic stomach contents back in the other (wrong) direction.

Role of Diet in Acid Reflux

Trigger Foods
Certain foods have been identified as triggers for acid reflux. These typically include:

  • Spicy foods
  • Fatty foods
  • Chocolate
  • Citrus fruits
  • Alcohol
  • Carbonated drinks

Avoiding or limiting consumption of these foods can potentially reduce the frequency and severity of acid reflux episodes.

Meal Size and Timing

Large meals and lying down shortly after eating can exacerbate acid reflux symptoms. Therefore, consuming smaller meals and allowing at least 2-3 hours before reclining can be beneficial. This is particularly important in the evening, to the extent that it is worth considering either eating a smaller evening meal, or eating earlier, or both.

Balanced Diet

A well-balanced diet rich in fruits, vegetables, lean protein, and whole grains can improve digestive health and potentially reduce symptoms.

Dietary Modifications: What Works?

  • Reducing Fatty Foods: Limiting high-fat foods can contribute to weight loss, reducing pressure on the LES.
  • Increasing Fibre: Soluble fibre can absorb excess stomach acid, thus providing relief.
  • Hydration: Drinking sufficient water dilutes stomach acids, making them less potent.
  • Alkaline Foods: Foods such as bananas and leafy greens can help neutralise stomach acid.


Can dietary modifications alone cure acid reflux?
Dietary modifications can often help manage symptoms but are usually most effective when combined with medication and lifestyle changes.

Is it necessary to completely eliminate trigger foods?
Moderation is key. Limiting intake rather than complete elimination is often sufficient for symptom relief.

What is the role of weight loss in acid reflux?
Excess body weight can put additional pressure on the LES, making it easier for stomach acid to flow back into the oesophagus.

Should I consult a healthcare professional for a personalised diet plan?
Depending on your symptoms, you might need to consult with a dietitian or gastroenterologist for a thorough evaluation and personalised treatment plan tailored to your specific needs. Often symptoms do overlap and it is quite common to get upper chest and throat-related symptoms such as discomfort and burning related to acid reflux. It can be difficult to tell what is causing these symptoms and frequently patients also need to be assessed by an ENT specialist, such as at London ENT, for advice.


While medication and surgical options exist for treating acid reflux, dietary modifications are a non-invasive, cost-effective approach to symptom management. By avoiding trigger foods, consuming smaller meals, and focusing on a balanced diet, one can indeed ameliorate the condition to a significant extent.

For more information please contact London ENT on 0203 865 7225.

Understanding Nosebleeds (Epistaxis)

At London ENT, we’re dedicated to enhancing your knowledge on various ear, nose, and throat conditions. Today, we focus on a common ailment: nosebleeds, medically referred to as epistaxis. Let’s dive deeper into understanding its causes, treatments, and precautions.

What are Nosebleeds (Epistaxis)?

Epistaxis is a medical term for bleeding from the nostril, nasal cavity, or nasopharynx. The majority of nosebleeds are benign, yet they can be distressing for the individual. There are two primary classifications:

  1. Anterior nosebleeds: Originating from the front part of the nose, they are the most common and are generally easier to manage.
  2. Posterior nosebleeds: Arising from the back of the nose, these are less common but can be more severe, often requiring medical attention.

Causes of Nosebleeds

Numerous factors can contribute to a nosebleed. Some of the common reasons include:

  • Dry indoor air or dry climates
  • Frequent nose-picking
  • Trauma or injury to the nose
  • Use of certain medications, like blood thinners
  • Conditions that affect blood clotting
  • Chronic infections
  • Other medical conditions, such as hypertension

Managing Nosebleeds at Home

If you experience a nosebleed:

  1. Stay calm. Panic can elevate blood pressure, worsening the bleed.
  2. Sit up straight and tilt your head forward slightly. This prevents blood from flowing down the back of your throat.
  3. Pinch your nostrils together and breathe through your mouth.
  4. After about 10 minutes, release the pressure to check if the bleeding has stopped.
  5. You could also apply an ice pack over the bridge of your nose or even suck on an ice cube (and spit out the water). Contrary to popular opinion, ice over the neck doesn’t really help.

Seeking Medical Help

For persistent bleeding or frequent occurrences of nosebleeds, it’s essential to see a healthcare professional. They can offer treatments like cauterisation to prevent further bleeds. Additionally, a thorough medical evaluation can help identify and treat underlying causes.

Preventing Nosebleeds

Here are some measures to reduce the risk of nosebleeds:

  • Keep the inside of your nose moist. Consider using a saline nasal spray, and if your nose gets very dry, you could apply a gentle layer of vaseline jelly inside the nostrils.
  • Use a humidifier in dry environments.
  • Refrain from picking your nose.
  • Ensure safety measures to prevent injuries, especially for children.


Nosebleeds are a common occurrence and can often be managed at home. However, persistent or severe cases should be addressed by medical professionals. At London ENT, we’re here to guide and support your journey to optimal ear, nose, and throat health. If you have concerns about nosebleeds or other ENT issues, don’t hesitate to reach out.

The Role of Psychological Review in Rhinoplasty

Rhinoplasty, commonly known as a nose job, is a surgical procedure that reshapes or resizes the nose. While it’s often thought of as a purely cosmetic procedure, rhinoplasty can also improve nasal function following trauma or birth defects. It is a transformative process that can significantly alter a person’s appearance and, consequently, their self-image and confidence. As such, it is not a decision to be taken lightly. At London ENT, we believe that the psychological aspect of this process is as important, if not more so, than the physical one. It is also now a mandatory element that is required by the General Medical Council and Royal College of Surgeons before all cosmetic surgery. Hence, we strongly advocate for a comprehensive psychological review before rhinoplasty surgery.

The Importance of Psychological Review

Ensuring Realistic Expectations: One of the primary purposes of a psychological review is to determine whether a patient has realistic expectations about the outcome of the surgery. Rhinoplasty can certainly enhance one’s appearance and confidence, but it cannot solve all of life’s problems or completely transform one’s identity. A psychological review can help ascertain if the patient’s desires align with the potential results.

Assessing Emotional Readiness: Rhinoplasty, like any surgical procedure, can be a stressful experience. It is crucial for a patient to be emotionally ready to handle the operation and the recovery process. A psychological review can assess the patient’s emotional state and resilience, ensuring they are adequately prepared for the journey ahead.

Detecting Body Dysmorphic Disorder (BDD): BDD is a psychological condition where a person obsesses over perceived flaws in their appearance, which are often imagined or exaggerated. Studies suggest that a significant proportion of individuals seeking cosmetic surgery suffer from BDD. Without proper diagnosis and treatment, surgery may worsen their psychological distress rather than alleviate it.

The Process of Psychological Review

The psychological review process is confidential and conducted by a trained mental health professional. It typically involves an in-depth interview and may also include psychological testing. It can usually be undertaken via video link or face to face if preferred. The objective is not to dissuade individuals from surgery, but rather to ensure they are making an informed decision that will ultimately improve their quality of life.


At London ENT, we are committed to delivering holistic care that prioritises our patients’ overall wellbeing. We believe that a thorough psychological review is an essential part of the rhinoplasty process, ensuring that the decision to undergo surgery is made from a place of understanding and readiness. It’s about making sure that our patients are not just physically prepared, but also mentally and emotionally equipped to handle the transformation that comes with rhinoplasty.

Is Nose Reshaping Right For You?

Nose reshaping surgery is a delicate, complex operation. The results can’t be guaranteed, there are risks to consider, and it can be expensive. Be sure about your reasons for having it before you go ahead.

How much does it cost?

The cost of nose reshaping in the UK ranges from £7,000 to £9,000. You should also factor in the cost of any consultations, further surgery or follow-up care that may be needed.

What does it involve?

Nose reshaping is usually carried out under general anaesthetic.

The surgeon may do any of the following:

  • make the nose smaller (nose reduction), by removing some of the cartilage and bone
  • make the nose larger (nose augmentation), by taking cartilage from the ears and bone from the hips, elbow or skull, and using this to build up the nose (known as a “graft”)
  • change the nose’s shape (including the nostrils), by breaking the nose bone and rearranging the cartilage
  • change the angle between the nose and top lip

The skin over the nose should just shrink or expand to its new shape.

The operation involves either making one cut across the skin between the nostrils (“open rhinoplasty”), or tiny cuts inside the nostrils (“closed rhinoplasty“).

A closed rhinoplasty leaves no visible scars and causes less swelling, but isn’t always possible or available.

Either way, the procedure can take from an hour and a half to three hours. Most people would need to stay in hospital for one or two nights.

You’d probably leave hospital with dressings (“packs”) in each nostril, and a splint held over your nose with tape. You wouldn’t be able to breathe through your nose.

Painkillers would be given to control any mild pain.


You may need to take up to two weeks off work to recover.

It might be several months before you see the full effect of the nose operation, and up to six months for all of the swelling to completely go.

You wouldn’t be able to drive for a few days after the operation – your surgeon would advise about this.

After about a week: Stitches would be removed (unless you had dissolvable stitches). The splint may be able to come off.

At three weeks: Bruises, swelling and redness may have faded. You may be able to swim.

At four to six weeks: You may be able to resume contact sports.

You’d probably be advised to:

  • prop your head up with pillows for a couple of days when resting, to reduce the swelling
  • avoid hot baths and getting the splint wet
  • avoid blowing your nose or removing any crusts until your appointment to have the splint removed
  • sneeze through your mouth, to avoid pressure on your nose
  • avoid dusty or smoky places
  • avoid strenuous exercise or contact sports for four to six weeks
  • take paracetamol or another prescribed painkiller to relieve any mild pain

Side effects to expect

It’s common after nose reshaping to have:

  • a blocked nose – you’d need to breathe through your mouth for a week or so
  • stiffness and numbness of the nose
  • soreness, swelling and bruising around the eyes, which can last three weeks
  • light nosebleeds for the first few days

What could go wrong

Nose reshaping surgery can occasionally result in:

  • permanent breathing difficulty
  • damage to the cartilage wall between your nostrils
  • an altered sense of smell
  • heavy nosebleeds

Any type of operation also carries a small risk of:

  • excessive bleeding
  • developing a blood clot in a vein
  • infection
  • an allergic reaction to the anaesthetic

The surgeon should explain how likely these risks and complications are, and how they would be treated if they occurred. Call London ENT today to find out how we can help you.


Understanding Presbycusis

Introduction to Presbycusis

Presbycusis, often referred to as age-related hearing loss, is a common condition among the older population. At London ENT, our dedicated team of specialists work diligently to diagnose and manage this condition, assisting our patients in regaining an improved quality of life.

What is Presbycusis?

Presbycusis is the gradual loss of hearing that occurs as individuals age. It is a natural process, affecting both ears equally, and most commonly impacts the ability to hear high-pitched sounds, like the voices of women and children. This condition results from natural changes in the inner ear, auditory nerve, and even certain brain areas as we grow older.

Symptoms of Presbycusis

Often, presbycusis develops unnoticed until it becomes more severe. The symptoms typically begin with a reduced ability to hear high-pitched sounds, gradually progressing to make it more challenging to follow conversations in noisy environments. Additionally, sounds or speech may seem muffled and you may find yourself asking people to repeat themselves often. Ringing in the ears, known as tinnitus, might also occur.

Causes of Presbycusis

While age is the primary factor leading to presbycusis, the condition may be exacerbated by certain health and lifestyle factors. These include long-term exposure to loud noises, family history of hearing loss, smoking, and certain medical conditions such as diabetes or poor circulation.

Diagnosing Presbycusis

Diagnosing presbycusis involves a comprehensive hearing examination by our skilled team at London ENT. We conduct detailed auditory tests to identify the degree of hearing loss, and use this information to form a customised treatment plan for each patient.

Managing and Treating Presbycusis

At London ENT, we believe in adopting a holistic approach towards treating presbycusis. The focus is on improving the individual’s quality of life through various options such as hearing aids, assistive listening devices, and where necessary, cochlear implants. We also provide advice on strategies to better communicate and cope with hearing loss, ensuring that our patients remain engaged in their daily activities.

Prevention of Presbycusis

While presbycusis cannot be entirely prevented due to its age-related nature, certain steps can be taken to help preserve hearing health. These include avoiding loud noise exposure, maintaining a healthy lifestyle, not smoking, and regular check-ups to monitor your hearing status.

London ENT: Your Partner in Hearing Health

Presbycusis can be a challenging condition, but at London ENT, we are committed to supporting our patients through every step of their hearing journey. Our dedication to providing comprehensive care ensures that you can lead an engaged and fulfilling life, even with presbycusis.

Remember, early detection is key in managing age-related hearing loss. If you or your loved ones have any concerns about hearing health, please do not hesitate to contact us at London ENT.

Cervicogenic Headaches

Understanding, Managing, and Treating Neck Tension and Poor Posture

Cervicogenic headaches are a common yet often misunderstood type of headache that originates from neck tension and poor posture. This headache usually has a dull, not-so-sharp, pressure-like ache starting at the skull bottom and moves to the head sides, forehead, or even back of the eyes. It’s super important to tackle these neck-related headaches quickly, as they can really mess up your day-to-day life, work, and feeling good overall.


Causes of Cervicogenic Headaches

Cervicogenic headaches are primarily caused by problems in the neck, such as:

  • Poor posture: Sitting or standing in a slouched position for extended periods can lead to muscle strain and tension in the neck and shoulders, eventually causing cervicogenic headaches.
  • Muscle tension: Stress or anxiety can cause muscles in the neck and shoulders to tense up, leading to headaches.
  • Whiplash or neck injuries: Injuries to the neck, such as those sustained in a car accident or sports-related incident, can result in cervicogenic headaches.
  • Degenerative conditions: Conditions like arthritis or spinal disc degeneration can cause inflammation and compression of nerves in the neck, contributing to cervicogenic headaches.


Symptoms of Cervicogenic Headaches

Some common symptoms of cervicogenic headaches include:

  • Pain that starts in the neck and radiates towards the forehead, temples, face and behind the eyes.
  • Headache triggered by neck movement or maintaining a particular head position for an extended period.
  • Stiffness or reduced range of motion in the neck.
  • Pain on one side of the head or face.
  • Sensitivity to light or noise (though less common than in migraines).


Diagnosis and Treatment

If you think you’ve got neck-related headaches, it’s super important to get expert help to figure out why and get the right fix. London ENT has a full range of ways to check and treat people with these headaches.

A deep-dive check-up usually means going through your health story, a hands-on examination, and imaging of the inside of the neck, such as with X-rays or MRI scans. Sometimes you might need to be reviewed by a spinal/orthopaedic consultant, which can be arranged through London ENT once sinus and other ENT causes for your headache have been ruled out.

After finding the cause of the headaches, a custom plan just for you is made.

Fixing these headaches might use a mix of these methods:

Physiotherapy: A physio pro can help you fix your posture, make your neck and upper back muscles stronger, and get your neck to move more easily, which can cut down how often and how bad these headaches are.

Medications: Ibuprofen or naproxen can give some short-term relief from these headaches. In some cases, a doctor might suggest prescription medications like muscle relaxants, anti-inflammatory steroids, or nerve pain meds.

Manual therapy: Chiropractic adjustments, massage therapy, or osteopathic manipulation can help alleviate neck tension and realign the spine, reducing headache symptoms.

Nerve blocks or injections: In some cases, local anesthetic injections or nerve blocks may be used to provide relief from cervicogenic headaches. These injections can block pain signals from the affected nerves, providing temporary relief.

Lifestyle modifications: Stress management, regular exercise, and maintaining a healthy sleep schedule can help reduce the frequency and severity of cervicogenic headaches.

Ergonomic adjustments: Ensuring your work environment supports good posture can help alleviate neck strain and prevent cervicogenic headaches. Adjust your computer monitor height, chair, and desk setup to promote a neutral spine position and take regular breaks to stand, stretch, and change positions.

Acupuncture: This traditional Chinese medicine practice involves inserting thin needles into specific points on the body to alleviate pain and improve overall health. Some patients find relief from cervicogenic headaches through acupuncture treatments.

Cognitive-behavioral therapy (CBT): CBT can help you identify and change negative thought patterns and behaviors that may contribute to stress and muscle tension, ultimately reducing the occurrence of cervicogenic headaches.

Prevention of Cervicogenic Headaches

Preventing cervicogenic headaches involves addressing the underlying causes and making lifestyle adjustments to minimize neck tension and maintain good posture. Some preventative measures include:

Prioritizing good posture: Be mindful of your posture throughout the day, especially when sitting for long periods at a desk or computer. Use ergonomic office furniture and take regular breaks to stand and stretch.

Exercise: Engaging in regular physical activity can help strengthen the muscles supporting your neck and improve overall posture, reducing the likelihood of cervicogenic headaches.

Stress management: Implement stress-reduction techniques such as deep breathing exercises, mindfulness meditation, or yoga to help alleviate muscle tension and reduce the frequency of headaches.

Sleep hygiene: Ensure you maintain a consistent sleep schedule and create a comfortable sleep environment to promote restorative rest and reduce the occurrence of cervicogenic headaches.

Cervicogenic headaches can significantly impact your daily life, but with the right diagnostic and treatment approach, it is possible to manage and alleviate symptoms effectively. By seeking professional help, such as that provided by London ENT, and incorporating a combination of treatment options and preventative measures, you can reduce the frequency and severity of cervicogenic headaches, ultimately improving your overall quality of life.

The Connection between Scarlet Fever and Streptococcal Infections

Scarlet fever, also known as scarlatina, is an illness caused by a specific strain of bacteria called Streptococcus pyogenes or Group A Streptococcus (GAS). It was once a widespread and feared disease, but with the advent of antibiotics, scarlet fever is now considered a mild illness that can be effectively treated, if detected early.

The connection between scarlet fever and streptococcal infections lies in the fact that the bacteria that cause scarlet fever are part of the same family of bacteria that cause other streptococcal infections. These infections include streptococcal pharyngitis (strep throat), impetigo, cellulitis, and necrotizing fasciitis (flesh-eating disease).

Streptococcal infections are spread through direct contact with an infected person or by touching contaminated surfaces and then touching one’s own mouth, nose or eyes. People with streptococcal infections are contagious and can spread the disease to others until they have been on antibiotics for at least 24 hours.

The symptoms of scarlet fever usually appear one to two days after exposure to the bacteria and include a high fever, sore throat, headache, and muscle aches. The most distinctive symptom of scarlet fever is the bright red rash that covers the body, hence the name scarlet fever. The rash starts on the face and then spreads to the rest of the body, giving it a sandpaper-like texture. The tongue may also be coated with a white layer, giving it a “strawberry” appearance. This is often seen on the tongue.

Scarlet fever is typically diagnosed by a doctor based on the symptoms and a physical examination. A throat swab or blood test may be performed to confirm the diagnosis and determine the specific type of streptococcal bacteria causing the infection.

Treatment for scarlet fever involves antibiotics to kill the bacteria and relieve symptoms. The most common antibiotics used to treat scarlet fever are penicillin or amoxicillin. With prompt treatment, the symptoms of scarlet fever usually go away within three to seven days and the rash disappears within two to four weeks.

In severe cases or if left untreated, scarlet fever can lead to complications such as rheumatic fever, kidney inflammation (nephritis), and ear, skin, and lung infections. Therefore, it is important to seek medical attention if you or your child experience symptoms of scarlet fever.

In conclusion, scarlet fever is a mild illness caused by a specific strain of Streptococcus bacteria and is closely connected to other streptococcal infections. Early diagnosis and treatment with antibiotics can prevent complications and effectively treat the disease.

For more information, please contact us at London ENT.

RSV (Respiratory Syncytial Virus)

Respiratory viruses, such as respiratory syncytial virus (RSV), are a major cause of sickness, especially in young children and elderly individuals. They can produce mild cold-like symptoms as well as severe respiratory infections, such as pneumonia. We will address RSV and other respiratory viruses, their symptoms, and how to treat and avoid them, in this blog.

RSV stands for Respiratory Syncytial Virus.

Respiratory syncytial virus (RSV) is a common respiratory virus that can infect people of all ages, but is most severe in infants, the elderly, and those with impaired immune systems. It is very contagious and spreads easily through respiratory secretions such as saliva, mucus, and coughing and sneezing droplets.

RSV infection symptoms can range from mild to severe and may include:

  • Runny nose
  • Cough and fever
  • Difficulty in respiration
  • Chest congestion
  • RSV can cause pneumonia or bronchiolitis, an inflammation of the tiny airways of the lungs, in severe cases. When breathing in, children with bronchiolitis may experience difficulty, fast breathing, and a high-pitched sound.

Prevention and treatment of RSV

There is no specific therapy for RSV, and most patients recover within a week or two on their own. Nevertheless, severe instances may necessitate hospitalisation for supportive care, including oxygen therapy and intravenous fluids.

For the prevention of RSV and other respiratory viruses:

  • Frequent hand-washing with soap and water is recommended, especially after touching your nose, mouth, or eyes, or after coming into contact with respiratory secretions.
  • Avoid close contact with sick individuals.
  • When you cough or sneeze, cover your mouth and nose with a tissue and dispose of it properly.
  • Do not share your cups, glasses, or other personal belongings.
  • A vaccination is also available to prevent RSV infection in select high-risk populations, such as premature newborns and elderly individuals.

Additional Respiratory Viruses

There are numerous additional respiratory viruses that can produce cold-like symptoms and respiratory illnesses, in addition to RSV. These consist of:

  • Influenza (the flu) (the flu)
  • Adenovirus
  • Parainfluenza virus
  • Human metapneumovirus

Influenza is a highly contagious respiratory virus that annually generates epidemics. It can cause severe disease and complications, like as pneumonia and bronchitis, and is especially harmful for the elderly, small children, and those with weakened immune systems. A vaccine is available to prevent influenza, and severe cases can be treated with antiviral drugs.

In addition to bronchitis and pneumonia, Adenovirus, parainfluenza virus, and human metapneumovirus can also cause respiratory illnesses. These viruses can be treated with antiviral drugs, and preventative actions, such as hand-washing and avoiding close contact with ill people, can help lower the chance of infection.

Respiratory viruses, particularly RSV, are prevalent causes of disease and can result in serious respiratory infections. To limit the risk of infection, it is essential to take precautions such as washing your hands and avoiding direct contact with sick people. It is essential to get medical treatment if you or a loved one encounter severe symptoms.