Throat just sore, or something more?

Here at London ENT we know that having a sore throat can be a painful and sometimes debilitating business.  Often times, your sore, dry, tickly throat is the result of a cold or a virus.  Many sore throat symptoms improve as your cold or virus does, without the need for any further treatment.  But sometimes […]

When is a cold, more than just a cold? Is it the sniffles or a Sinus Infection.

When is a cold, more than just a cold? Is it the sniffles or a Sinus Infection? With winter very much upon us, the cold season is in full flow. Have you felt the tingle at the back of your throat yet, the stuffy feeling in your nose? If not, you can assume it will […]

Balloon sinuplasty – noninvasive treatment for sinusitis

This noninvasive technology has revolutionised the management of sinusitis and is now increasingly being used either alone or alongside traditional sinus surgery techniques. It is now also being offered to selected patients under local anaesthetic and/or sedation, avoiding the need for a full general anaesthetic. Please refer to the separate page on balloon sinuplasty (under procedures) for […]

Titanium Nasal Implant

A total of eleven patients have now received the Titanium BreatheTM nasal implant in the last 6 months, and all with excellent results so far. Many more have had the implant in the UK and abroad, in all cases for the correction of a weak inner nasal valve or outer (alar) cartilage. Without exception patients […]

Surgery for halitosis (bad breath)

Halitosis, or bad breath, may occur for several reasons, ranging from dietary factors, a blocked nose causing mouth breathing, and problems within the mouth itself. One of the commonest reasons is due to a build up of debris within the tonsils which occurs when food particles get stuck inside one or more of the deep crypts […]

Incision-less Pinnaplasty

Incision-less pinnaplasty. In recent years, a novel technique has been developed for pinning back prominent ears without the use of any external cuts or incisions to the skin. This is achieved with the use of carefully placed sutures passed into the ear cartilage. The operation can be performed under local anaesthesia more easily than a […]

Cyclops endoscope (Acclarent)

The company responsible for the highly successful balloon sinuplasty technology, (Acclarent), has recently been taken over by Johnson & Johnson. The company identity is to be retained, an alliance which should hopefully yield further improvements to the already successful design. Please see for further information. A further development has seen the introduction of the […]

Gaviscon AdvanceTM

Now licensed for use in laryngopharyngeal acid reflux. Gaviscon Advance TM, by Reckitt-Benckiser, is widely known as an effective treatment of indigestion and symptoms of gastric acid reflux, including burning behind the chest and pains in the upper part of the abdomen. It works by acting as a protective barrier within the stomach, preventing naturally […]