The Problem
Stretched ear lobes can, over time, cause a painful and potentially embarrassing but fairly common problem – Split ear lobes. This is when an earlobe has been torn by the usage of heavy ear rings or stretched by things such as flesh tunnels. This can actually cause the earlobe to tear leaving a painful and unattractive area on the side of your head. The old saying “Pain is Beauty” can apply to many things, but while suffering a small blister to enjoy the party heels is one thing, a torn ear lobe is something more permanent and can not be hidden away so easily, especially if you have short hair!
Earlobe Repair Surgery – What It Entails
Earlobe repair surgery is an option to fix the issue of both torn and stretched earlobes, whether severe or slight. This is a minor procedure that is performed under local anaesthetic and usually takes no more than 20 – 30 minutes to complete per ear. The excess tissue is removed and very fine, dissolvable stitches are then used to carefully stitch back together the two split areas. If the procedure is being performed on stretched ears it could take a little longer depending on how big the hole that needs to be repaired is. The fact that this minor procedure is very quick means that you can have it done and walk out of the clinic the same day. This means minimal disruption to your schedule, which is always a bonus!
Life After Earlobe Repair Surgery
It generally takes around four to six months for the ear to heal. You may have a small, subtle scar on your ear but this will fade over time and will certainly be far less obvious than the tear or stretching that it fixed. After six months you can re pierce ears if you wish, but it is advised that you seek advice from a practitioner first as to the best place for the holes so as to ensure no further damage to your ear lobes.