Here at London ENT we know that having a sore throat can be a painful and sometimes debilitating business. Often times, your sore, dry, tickly throat is the result of a cold or a virus. Many sore throat symptoms improve as your cold or virus does, without the need for any further treatment. But sometimes a sore throat can mean a further infection that may need to be treated with a course of antibiotics.
This time of year we are particularly susceptible to colds and flu-like viruses as our immune systems are fed up of winter and desperately need the vitamin D of the Spring sunshine. Most of us will come down with a cold at some point over the Winter season, and most of us will deal with it accordingly without too much fuss. But, when you can’t swallow, or feel like you have swallowed a razor blade, it could well be time to take that throat to the doctors for further examination.
What kinds of sore throat are there?
1. Viral Sore Throat
This usually occurs at the same time as, or shortly after, a ‘flu-like illness or cold affecting the nose and sinuses (also known as the upper respiratory tract). As part of the illness, the throat usually becomes inflamed and sometimes infected as well. Symptoms may include a runny nose, sneezing, hoarseness, dry cough, decreased hearing and redness of the pharynx and tonsils. To treat a viral sore throat common painkillers such as paracetamol and/or ibuprofen, drinking plenty of fluids and gargling with saltwater all help to ease symptoms. Find out more about viral sore throats from our specialist ENT surgeon.
2. Tonsillitis
The tonsils are part of the immune system and are made up of lymphoid tissue, whose job it is to fight infections or viruses when they occur. In most people the tonsils therefore play an important role but if they become unhealthy in their own right, they can occasionally give rise to infections of their own. An acute attack of tonsillitis can be quite severe and debilitating for the patient. Tonsillitis causes particularly severe sore throat which is the main symptom, occasionally but not always associated with flu-like symptoms, during which the tonsils become enlarged, red and inflamed and cause pain on eating, fever, referred pain to the ears and enlarged neck glands. Paul Chatrath, our consultant ENT, has written more information about tonsillitis here.
3. Quinsy (Peritonsillar Abscess)
This is a condition in which an abscess forms next to the tonsil. It usually occurs following a severe episode of acute tonsillitis, which results in spread of the infection to the tissues outside the tonsil and the subsequent build up of pus. This causes the tonsil to bulge in wards, pushing part of the soft palate over to the other side. Symptoms of quinsy tend to be even more severe than those of tonsillitis, and can be very painful for the patient. Find out more about what a Quinsy is here.
4. Glandular Fever (Infections Mononucleosis)
This condition most often occurs in teenagers and young adults. It is caused by the ‘Epstein- Barr’ virus, which is easily transmitted from person to person through saliva or droplets. Symptoms include a severe sore throat, feeling of tiredness and lethargy which can outlast the duration of the infection, fever, enlarged tonsils often with a surface white membrane, enlarged neck lymph nodes (cervical lymphadenopathy) and occasionally the presence of a red rash. If you would like to know more about glandular fever, it’s symptoms and recommended treatments, read our article here.
There are, of course, certain other medical complaints that can cause a sore throat, but which are less common. These can include a blocked nose, acid reflux, or even tumours in the throat.
In most instances of a sore throat, your GP will be able to assist you with any symptoms and prescribe medication where necessary. However, if you are concerned or would like to find out more, call us on (0)203 865 7225 to see how our throat doctors can help.